
An Electronic Immunization Registry

One major challenge in reaching the 5th child is that the health workers do not always have timely access to crucial immunization data that is required for informed decision making mainly because it exists in different systems and formats that are often not readily accessible when needed. CHANJOLYTICS is a project of FESK that is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation under the Grand Challenges Exploration grants to help FESK develop and implement an electronic platform known as "ChanjoLytics".

The Chanjolytics electronic platform was intended to achieve the following functions:

  • Triangulate immunization related data from other sources as per the needs of the users e.g. DHIS2, Chanjotrack immunization registry and stock management tool
  • Analyze immunization data and display it in platform dashboard. This will include but not limited to vaccination coverage, vaccination trends, vaccination dropout rates, number of children missed by geographical region and year
  • Share selected reports (automated) by email and/or SMS as per the needs of the users e.g. vaccination coverage reports
  • Perform predictive analytics such as how many children by geographical region will be missed in the year if the current vaccination trend continues
  • Have an action tracker where users can log in actions taken to improve vaccination services in their areas
  • Track the number of people visiting the online platform
  • Track number of users that data was shared with via emails and/or SMS
  • Track number of users that logged in their actions on the online platform
  • Have a dashboard of stakeholders/partners and their roles per geographical area

ChanjoLytics electronic web based platform was developed to make immunization data easily accessible to health workers for faster and informed decision making. The platform enables users to access data from various sources in one platform. These data sources include but are not limited to national health information systems (DHIS2), logistics management information systems, electronic immunization registries and demographic health surveys.

The platform was created to overcome the data access challenge. The platform aims to help the immunization managers at all levels (National, County and Sub County) to have access to crucial data in order to make timely decisions for the immunization programs. This will ensure that right decisions are made at the right time for the right child. This will ensure every child is reached with lifesaving vaccines and within the expected timelines.

The project is set to run from 1st November 2018 to 30th April 2020.